Thursday, October 31, 2019

Police Ethical Conduct Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Police Ethical Conduct - Research Paper Example The ethical codes of conduct of the police or the law enforcement officers have a significant role to play in the work of the police. One of the primary reasons requiring such ethical code is that the public, in general, would not accept a police department that is corrupted. The concept of ethics in this regard is associated with corruption, failure to act, gifts, and gratuities. In the recent times, in several countries including the United States, the corruption levels of the police officers have increased to great extents. Such corruption examples include officers not acting on criminal activities, acceptance of bribes, providing information that may put at risk an enquiry to issues or suspects of the investigation, involvement in the mission of a crime, making complaints that are fake and initiating actions by the court, failure to bear witness precisely, and forgery of police reports or official declarations for search or arrest warrants (Stering, 2004, p.37). The need for ethi cal police conduct is essential since if one police officer gets corrupted, it has a significant effect on other officers as well. In general, the public has a belief that the police are involved in corrupt activities and that they try to protect each other in their personal interests. However, police officers have been found to be proud of their profession and they tend to have values for the integrity and respect that are associated with their work. Generally, they try to perform their activities professionally and without being involved in corruption, such involvements meaning exception (Stering, 2004, p.37). The present study thus focuses on the ethical codes of conduct of the police officers also discussing the causes behind officers undertaking unethical decisions. Police Ethical Code of Conduct: The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics was in the beginning considered as an oath of a police officer rather than as an established code of ethics. However, there was an aspiration of hav ing an oath of office that could be used for graduation ceremonies. This desire led to the creation of a separate code of ethics and conduct for the law enforcement officers and the police.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Capitalism Discursive Essay Example for Free

Capitalism Discursive Essay Capitalism is a system that promises equality for all, but some believe that this is only a promise of false hope. The way that people view this statement varies. The view that capitalism is a system that only benefits those who are already wealthy is a concern that many have. While this view is held by many people, others believe that capitalism is beneficial since it provides ways to move from social class to another social class. In school, one always tries to achieve passing grades to advance to the next level, but what if capitalism were to prevent this â€Å"advancing to the next level† in our social classes? The opponents of capitalism make the claim that capitalism leaves us in the same social class that is determined due to our money. The claim is that we can’t move out of our current social class because capitalism doesn’t allow us to rise in class because it only makes the richer rich and the poor poorer. The poor aren’t allowed to gain the skills that can make them richer, and leaves only those in the top tier of earnings to control what the poor are learning. Leaving this power to the rich only can lead people to believe that capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. If the government were made up of poor people, would you have confidence in how they control the economy? The government officials are wealthy, and evidence shows that they help the wealthy stay that way, with the help of the capitalism system. The bankers on Wall Street have been continuously bailed out by the government because of their bad investment, which was the instigator for the Occupy Wall Street movement of late 2011. It claimed that the top 1% income earners in the country receive constant government bailouts, and the protest movement called for a change in this system. The protest has not made any significant changes in the capitalism system yet, which helps prove the point that capitalism only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Although there are some problems in society with the capitalism system, the system also comes with many benefits to society. Capitalism allows for the competition between others, which would be non-existent in a more controlled economic system. This competition between others allows them to try to create a cheaper product for the masses and it also helps improve the quality of the products and services. Democracy is also another benefit, which allows people to choose what they work in and how they do it. With the freedom of choice, people can chose to work in what they are skilled in doing and provide a product that is well worth the cost. The freedom of choice can also attract others from parts of the world where they don’t have the option to participate in a free market and allow them to go to a country that is democratic and capitalistic, increasing the amount of unique items a country can produce. If you examine all governments in the past that depended upon a system that was controlled, such as Communist Russia, you see that they weren’t successful, and eventually their existence came to an end. Capitalism allows the government to be democratic, which is good for the economy of that country. Capitalism allows that country’s economy to either rise or fall. Although the fall of an economy might be detrimental, whenever a country has an increased rise in their economy, the lives of the inhabitants of that country are greatly improved. The democracy can also give people a peace of mind, knowing that they don’t have to fear their government. The free market system also allows many companies to remain in that country, because they have less market restrictions. With market restrictions, the company would move to another country where they have the free market system and would not only take away from the first country’s economy, but also discourage future businesses and corporations to invest in a controlled market economy. The view that capitalism only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer is one that is held by many and has support, such as not being able to move in social classes. Although this claim has support, the fact that we don’t have to fear the government or worry about the economy not growing is strong support for the capitalism free market system. This freedom of social class and government helps ensure that capitalism doesn’t make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Right To Freedom Of Religion And Expression Religion Essay

Right To Freedom Of Religion And Expression Religion Essay Religion is a particular system of faith and belief concerning the cause, nature and the purpose of the universe. There are number of religions in the world with the major religions as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Each religion has different concept of God as well as different lifestyles as guided by their religious leaders. It can be clearly observed that every person has distinctive lifestyle with their own interests, activities, opinions and attitude. Even the way they are carrying themselves in the dresses or their outer appearance also forms the essential part of their lifestyles. While most of the civilized societies have settled down in peace with the tremendous efforts in raising the respect for each religion amongst the residents, creating the essence of brotherhood and humanism, there still exist many areas in the world where intolerable attitudes towards other religions and their lifestyles are found and the conflicts still remain unresolved. From past histo ry to present day, there are so many stories and incidents revealing about the religious wars and their resulting in emotional, physical and economical calamities. If it is seen through the past history, first the war started between Jews and Christians followed by the Christians and Muslims and then later some intolerable Muslim emperors and leaders started discriminating and violating the Hindu beliefs and lifestyles. And in this way throughout history religion has been misunderstood and abused. Majority uses it as a source of power and domination over the other religion people and their beliefs. In fact in the name of the religion number of injustices is done in one way or other and in the cause whole humanity is suffering from the earlier BC period till now. And this violation has been done to such an extent that even the word religion has lost its true meaning which is sign of peace. Truth is that no religion taught this. Every religion spreads the message of peace. Though thes e conflictions have been diluting with the time but unfortunately it seems to be everlasting and will be always lingering amongst the societies. Always such examples can be traced where there is a conflict on the views, violation in the name of the religion, hatred for others activities even in the present day. And where the extremists do not have any ironic point to fight at they start attacking the minor issues like dress codes. Dresses give the reflection of their religions. In some cases the dresses they wear is obligatory to wear them. Major religions that have the strict dress codes are Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and monks. In Islam, its obligatory for both men and women to wear the modest dress but women have to wear the clothes that cover almost every part o her body except face, hands and feet (Hijab). Both Sikhs men and women have to cover their heads according to their religious laws. They wear a metal bracelet (Kara) on their wrists as it is their religious identity. Traditional dress of the Jews men includes payos, curled forelocks and shawls. Buddhist nuns and monks wear robes ( And similarly many other existing believers in this world have some sort of traditions and faiths about what they wear. Some part of the world also has such people who do not believe in system of religious clothing. They like to wear whatever they like without any religious pre ssure. As a general rule, the rights to freedom of religion and expression entail, that all people should be free to choose what and what not to wear. These rights cannot be restricted simply because some even a majority find a form of dress objectionable or offensive. But the problem exists when the persons individual choice is curbed due to the facts and merely useless causes. Whatever be the reason for this, it is totally inhumane. Without going beyond hundred years or centuries, past recent years itself gives the evidence of such happenings. The most popular controversial issue has been the matter of Hijab that has reflected huge disagreements between the Muslim beliefs and western societies. Some other examples also dictate the similar stories are discussed below. Controversy of Hijab in the western countries Not so far it was the recurrent news in 2004 when France government banned the wearing of Hijab and Burqa in the schools, colleges, work places and even most of the public places. Even some other countries like Spain and Germany also wanted to implicate such laws in their respective countries. After the incidence of 11/11 even America was not behind in restricting the Muslims from openly following their religious beliefs though they claim the reasons for this to be political. In one of the articles its stated that If you chose to wear Hijab guaranteed obstacles are going to come your way. There will be a problem in schools and colleges, in the career field. The girls who will be wearing Hijab will not have as many as opportunities as the girls who are without it. (Nadia Fadir, 2009). They suffer great underestimation just because of something that has so modest reason to be followed. Wearing Hijab does not at all mean that women cannot perform better or possess less knowledge. In fac t this is something which protects the women from bad part of the society. Why there are such conflictions where innocent are suffering? Is it less than a terrorist attack? It cannot be judged to what extent it is hurting and exploiting the rights of the woman. Definitely Muslims have full right to fight against these unjust laws to be implicated. It is right to defend the girls right to wear her religious dressings if she chooses so. On the other hand she should not be forced if she does not want to. That is also unacceptable. As Muslims denounce the violation of their religious freedom similarly they should also tolerate the non-Muslim beliefs and care should be taken that their ways are not unmolested. Issue of the Sikh turban While there was a ban on headscarves there was equal opposition on the Sikhs wearing turbans and even the Jews wearing yarmulkes in the western countries. Sikh turbans are facing the difficult times in the western countries though the current immigration status of the Sikhs originated in the period of 1980s when there were many conflicts between Hindus and Sikhs in India (Priyeneha Gohil, 2004). Though time have brought a great change to the Indian province regarding the religious matters, but for a long period of time Sikhs did not have much space in the political world and were assigned for other high official posts in a limited number. Turban was the major reason behind their rights being curbed. They were looked upon by odd eyes as they were not the part of the society. Besides being a citizen of India, they are just found adjusting in the Punjab Territory. India is majorly a Hindu country and Hindus are not accustomed to cover their heads with turban as Sikhs. These rights canno t be restricted simply because some even a majority find a form of dress objectionable or offensive. Their right of wearing turbans should not be violated. They have full right to follow their own ways and lifestyles. They should have an equal access to all the opportunities as an integral part of the community. Other similar issues Religion is a way of life. Everyone has an equal right to choose their own lifestyle. Number of people in this world decides not to follow any particular belief and desire for freedom of thought and outward appearance but now on contrary, these sorts of people have also been targeted somewhere by the religious countries or religious people. They are tortured even if they are not harming anybody or interfering in others beliefs. They are blamed for spoiling the religious values and thought to be against the existence of God which is not true. Orthodox people forget that Gods first lesson through every religion is humanity. They possess intelligence and participate in the development of the economy as equally as others but yet they are not spared. Though small, but these significant issues are creating differences amongst the different cultures which are of no worth. It is giving rise to hatred and wars. The main reason for this reason we have made the religions as a cage to keep ourselves confined to that and trying to force others as well to remain within this rather than raising the spirituality levels which takes us to the greater heights. Spirituality will always overstate the similarities while understating the differences. These kinds of restrictions and conflicts are not adding to the glory of any religion or society but rather highlighting their harsh part. These all immoderate acts are the result of the ignorance of the true meaning of the religion and the lack of knowledge and ill-bred nature. These behaviours are anti ethical to religious and moral ethics. Moreover when the God will measure the man he will measure the hearts but not the brains and outward appearance unless it is becoming the reason of causing some deadly sins to prevail.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Isadora Duncan Essay -- essays research papers

Isadora Duncan 	Isadora Duncan was a famous dancer who brought a new kind of dance to the world. She danced out the feelings from deep in her heart. Unlike other dancers in the late nineteenth century, Isadora Duncan danced with flowing motion. She was not a ballerina, and did not like to watch ballet dancers, with their stiff bodies and unnatural pointe shoes. At first she was not liked, but as time went on, Isadora Duncan became a dance revolutionist people all over the world will never forget. 	Angela Isadora Duncan was born, one of four, on May 26,1877 in San Francisco, California. Her mother, Dora Duncan, was a piano teacher, and her father, Joseph Duncan was a banker, journalist, and poet. Her parents were both well educated, charming, and an altogether happy couple. However, their marriage fell apart soon after Isadora's birth. 	After the divorce, Dora was left with little money to support her four children; Augastin, Raymond, Elizabeth, and Isadora. She gave her music lessons, but still was not bringing in enough money to keep living in the same house. The family began moving from one apartment to another, learning to leave each one a day before the bills came around. 	Isadora started school at the age of five. In the late nineteenth century, students were expected to sit still during school, memorizing and reciting their lessons. To Isadora this was "irritating and meaningless." She hated school. She said later in her autobiography that her real education came on the nights when Isadora and her siblings would dance to her mother's music and learn about what they were interested in -- literature and music. 	Isadora was told as a child that she would have to learn to depend on herself to get what she needed in life. So as Isadora grew older, she began to understand her family's financial condition and was eager to help. She and her sister Elizabeth began baby-sitting to help the family. To keep their charges busy, they taught them how to dance. The dance lessons were mostly just telling them to wave their arms in the air, but it kept them busy and raised money for the family. 	In those days, when dancing was first popular, "nice" women wore clothing from chin to toe, not showing any skin. However, new kinds of dance were surfacing that allowed the "nicest" women to tak... ...hat trip to Paris, for she died on September 14, 1927 after having dinner with her life-long friend, Mary Desti. After dinner, she hopped into a Bugatti sports car with the agent from the car company. She was wearing a long, elegant, red scarf, and as Mary Desti looked on in horror, that scarf got caught in the axis of the spinning wheel and strangled Isadora Duncan to death. 	More than ten thousand people gathered at the cemetery to watch Isadora Duncan's ashes be place next to her children's in their memorial. Even people who had watched her dance decades before came to the solemn service. To all these people Isadora Duncan meant something. She brought into the world the idea of teaching young children how to dance. Even though she knew they would not all become professional dancers, she felt that a feeling of rhythm and freedom of movement were important for one to have. She was the first to ever express her personal emotions in her public dancing. She always wore revealing clothes, often whatever she could find around her house. If you ever see a young child on a stage twirling and leaping to the words of her own feelings, they are there because Isadora Duncan danced.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

1984 and Oryx and Crake Essay

Some people say that religion key in building a stable person and society. Discuss the role religion has in the books 1984 and Oryx and Crake. Religion has been the main way in which societies have been formed for thousands of years. Laws, morals and society are basely modelled on it. In both 1984 and Oryx and Crake, the future (or in the case of 1984, the future of the past) is represented as dystopias; a society based on hatred which destroys the human spirit or a society which eventually led to the destruction of itself, leaving only the main character and a small group of new beings. In 1984, Winston Smith is the main character who rebels against society. He believes that human spirit will prevail, shown when he says to O’Brien; â€Å"I know you will fail. There is something in the universe – I don’t know, some spirit, some principle – that you will never overcome†¦ The spirit of Man† This is a very religious idea; that good will always prevail over evil and that the soul lives on after the body has died. Coincidentally, this is in some relation to one of the parties’ beliefs – which human people die but the body goes on forever. The dictatorship style of the Big Brother society is somewhat like that of a religious sect, or perhaps cult, where beliefs are not, using the process of doublethink, and all members must have absolute love for Big Brother. This is another trait that Winston does not have as other party members do; â€Å"Tell me, what are your true feelings towards Bog Brother?† â€Å"I hate him.† â€Å"You hate him. Good. Then the time has come for you to take the last step. You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him, you must love him.† Here Big Brother is a God-like figure. No-one knows if he actually exists, but when asked, the answer is just â€Å"he exists†. In Oryx and Crake, religion is a large part of the Crakers’ lives. Although Snowman told them stories of their creation which he made up, they still believe them, and even start rituals of their own, such as talking to Oryx. Crake believed he had gotten rid of religion, describing the belief in God as a â€Å"cluster of neurons†. However, the human race had been destroyed, and the Crakers lived in harmony believing in the stories Snowman told them. In 1984, the hero of the story is Winston, because he rebels against the oppression of the party. In some ways he could be described a religious-type figure; rebelling against society to protect what he believed in. He feels that life is meant to be more than what he experiences. Snowman is also given this kind of title; he is the prophet of Oryx and Crake and the Crakers look up to him to tell them about their ‘Gods’. At some times he is seen as a biblical figure, such as the first man, with Crake being the person who created the Crakers and Snowman (not Jimmy). Both Winston and Snowman are not very good as role models though, as although Winston is rebelling against what he thinks is wrong, he is only with Julia because she is corrupt, and he gets pleasure from her; â€Å"Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. Who knew, perhaps the Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and self-denial simply a sham concealing iniquity.† Winston holds onto this in the hope that perhaps this corruption can somehow break down the party. Snowman too uses the Crakers’ belief in him to get things that he wants, such as when he tells them that they must catch him a fish a week, even though they so not like too. Although this is simply a way that he can survive. From the Craker’s point of view, he is the only way in which they can connect with their Gods, so they do worship him to a degree. He is their link with the story of creation; â€Å"I’m your past. I’m your ancestor, come from the land of the dead.† However, this is not the past that they imagine. Snowman is in some ways saving them from the evils of the past, and creating a new past for them which will help hold their society together. It also raises the question of whether man created God, or God created man, for here Snowman created the God figures of Oryx and Crake, which was nothing like the actual people. In 1984, the fact that it is a totalitarian state could also be some comment on the religion of today – that you are told what to believe and are expected to without any evidence. One of the slogans used by the party and Winston at the end is; â€Å"God is power.† To some extent this is true, as God can be described as ‘all powerful’. But in the book the power is not to be used as anything good. O’Brien says to Winston; â€Å"Power is not a means. It is an end.† This perhaps could be from the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely, for the party wants to simply crush any human spirit out of people, to have complete control over them. And here, this is the only way that they can maintain a stable society; â€Å"Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is inflicting pain and humiliation.† Although extreme, it is this ‘religious type’ of belief that keeps things stable and keeps the party in power. On the other hand, to say that no religion results in a society that destroys itself is also something like what happens in Oryx and Crake. From what we are told about the society that Jimmy and Crake lived in before, there is no mention that either of them are religious, or there are any other religions mentioned, and the society was destroyed, by people playing ‘God’ and having power over things that they should not have had. From this, it seems that both the themes of religion and power are in both books, and also in both it is portrayed that they are linked to quite a large extent. Although power is seen as corrupting, there is some power needed to form religion, and society, in order to keep it stable, whether it is for the better or the worse.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood Essays

Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood Essays Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood Paper Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood Paper Lusus Naturae is about a young girl, who around when she was seven, began morphing into a beastly freak of nature. The condition left her with yellow eyes, pink teeth, red fingernails, and long dark fur. She drank blood and her voice translated words to growls. Being a freak, she became a burden to her family who was doing well before she underwent these changes. To protect her and to clear their name from being the household with the beast girl, they faked her death but kept her locked in her room. She â€Å"died† in a saintly way, covered in white and praised for dying a virgin. After her death, her sister was able to get married and her mother stayed home to take care of her. Being thought of as dead, she found peace and solitude especially at night when she was able to roam freely. She found excitement in scaring children and people in windows. She was not bitter about being an embarrassment or â€Å"curse† on her family. She was very cooperative and gracefully followed through with the plans so far. Eventually, her father and grandmother died and her mother moved in with her sister’s family. A new family moved into her house, but she quickly scared them out and lived there on her own. Her secret life came to an end when she witnessed a couple having an affair in a meadow. Ignorant to what was happening, she became curious and wanted to join in. After the girl had left, she approached the sleeping man and bit him on the neck. She had meant for it to be a kiss. The village heard about it, inspected her empty coffin, and came after her. She decided to kill herself before they could get their hands on her. She planned to put on her white veils and throw herself off of her burning rooftop. While on the run she fantasizes about what she’ll be thought of as after she dies and what she’ll look like in heaven. She thinks of how great it would be if she and the angels looked the same. This story well illustrates what it is like to b